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Caregiver support group meeting virtually August 20

Lawrence Presbyterian Manor and Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) are partnering to sponsor a caregiver support group on the third Thursdays of each month. VNA is a community-based organization that has served the Lawrence and Douglas County community for more than 50 years.

The topic for the August meeting, which will be at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, August 20, will be “The New Normal: Managing the Changing Roles of Caregiving in a Covid World.”

The group will meet using Zoom at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, August 20. If you’d like to attend this virtual meeting, contact Kim Trupia, social services director at Lawrence Presbyterian Manor, at (785) 371-0577 and the Zoom link will be emailed to you.

“Originally, at the start of the pandemic, we thought that we would simply cancel these meetings and then reschedule once we were able to get back together in groups. However, after further discussion, we felt that the pandemic has put a whole new spin on the challenges of being a caregiver, so we wanted to continue to offer the support group,” said Curtis Jones, sales and marketing director.

Meetings start with a brief informational session on the topic for the evening, followed by a discussion where attendees are encouraged to talk openly about the topic. Monthly meetings may touch on such topics as dementia, coping with the holidays or changes in roles (i.e. an adult child becoming caregiver for a parent).

Caregivers from the community as well as family members of residents are invited to attend.

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