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Love, hope and blessings

By Dinah Dutta, Chaplain

I enjoy spending time with our resident family members during evening meals. I encourage them to share stories from their personal and professional lives.

During the month of December, we shared many stories. Each reflected the love, hope and blessings we have experienced in our lives. The pandemic cannot define us. We have learned from the past two years, “Adversity not only draws people together, but brings forth that beautiful inward friendship,” in the words of Soren Kierkegaard.

We assured each other that the love, hope and the blessings in our lives will guide us through the year 2022. Most importantly, our faith in God will lead us through the rough phases of our lives and we can rest in the shadow of His wings of love.

“Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings” (Psalm 17:8).

Well, you have been singing with me for a while. I invite you again to sing, “In the Shadow of His Wings” by J. B. Atchinson. Rev. Jonathan Bush Atchinson was born in Wilson, N.Y., Feb. 17, 1840, and licensed as a Methodist preacher Sept. 6, 1874.

In the shadow of His wings
There is rest, sweet rest;
There is rest from care and labor,
There is rest for friend and neighbor;
In the shadow of His wings
There is rest, sweet rest,
In the shadow of His wings
There is rest (sweet rest).
There is rest, (sweet rest),
There is peace, (sweet peace),
There is joy, (glad joy),
In the shadow of His wings:
There is rest, (sweet rest),
There is peace, (sweet peace),
There is joy, (glad joy),
In the shadow of His wings.

I wish my PMMA family a blessed, peaceful and joyful 2022.

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