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“Old Men’s Bridge Group” still going strong after four decades.

On any Wednesday afternoon, just a little after lunch, you’ll find a small group of Lawrence Presbyterian Manor residents, in the piano area just off the dining room. They’re sitting around a card table, keeping a longstanding tradition going. This is the Old Men’s Bridge Group.

“This particular men’s group has been playing for 40-45 years,” said Brower Burchill who plays regularly. “It’s very long-established bridge group.”

Brower, who says he ended up with two last names because his mother gave him her maiden name as a first name, has lived at Presbyterian Manor for 21 years. He’s been in the Old Men’s Bridge Group the entire time.

The group gathers straight after lunch on Wednesdays. They play for a couple of hours, or until they’re done – 18 hands, and every six hands they switch partners. There are the regulars, and others join if someone can’t make it.

“Sometimes a lady will join us,” said Brower. “They’re a part of the Old Men’s group…for the day.”

Besides Brower, some of the other regulars are Ken Lohrentz, Arlyn Kinsey, and Henry Roberts. They’re all independent living residents at the manor. Ken lives in an apartment while Brower, Arlyn, and Henry live in the townhomes. And one of them thinks his home is better than the rest.

“I have the best duplex,” said Henry Roberts, ready to explain. “My deck faces out to the Hidden Valley Girl Scouts Camp, so I have beautiful trees. We have a mother deer and two fawns, and a bobcat.”

Deer and other wildlife are actually often spotted behind our townhomes and Brower seems used to hearing Henry talk about his backyard – he motions to him to play his hand in the bridge game. There’s no time to waste.

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