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For almost 42 years, Lawrence Presbyterian Manor has provided various services for seniors and has become well-known in the Lawrence community and beyond.

Generations of families have lived within our walls and enjoyed the ease of senior living and the peace of mind of quality care. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren alike have roamed our halls, filling it with laughter and sounds of excitement. Each year brings another lineup of celebrations, focusing on family and fellowship. Educators, homemakers, professionals, artists, musicians and many others have created an exciting environment to live and work in.

At Lawrence Presbyterian Manor, we have one goal – to provide quality senior services guided by Christian values. As one of three continuing care retirement communities in Lawrence, we are proud to provide the care and services our residents and the Lawrence community need. Over the years, we have evolved our services to ensure our residents had the best care available. And even with changes over the years, one thing is still the same, the rich and full lives of our residents will continue into the future.

Just like our services have evolved, our building has, too. In this last year, we watched the installation of new windows for our main building, and now we are seeing updates to our exterior finishes. One thing that will remain constant on our exterior is the large metal artwork on the front of our building.

The artwork on the front of our building is a symbol which forms a cross. Robert S. Slemmons, the architect of Lawrence Presbyterian Manor, commissioned John Whitfield from Topeka to do the metal work.

The sculpture is based upon a passage of scripture, Revelations 2:18-19, which reads, “This is the message from the Son of God, whose eyes blaze like fires, whose feet shine like polished brass. I know what you do. I know your love, your faithfulness, your services, and your patience.”

At the time of the building opening, then administrator David Slack received a letter from the architect stating, “it seems to me that the Presbyterian Manor should speak to the community, some message of your Christian concern. This little portion of scripture says that something to me.”

We are proud that after all these years this original artwork still stands as a symbol of love and concern for all those cared for within our walls, and it will remain there for many years to come.

PHOTO: The artwork on the front of our building is a symbol which forms a cross. Robert S. Slemmons, the architect of Lawrence Presbyterian Manor, commissioned John Whitfield from Topeka to do the metal work to speak of the campus’ Christian concern to all who pass by.

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